Curriculum Vitae

since 2020 Mykobütten designer (handmade mushroom paper) & mushroom dye textile designer, mushroom cyanotype

since 2021 member IAPMA
since 2022 member GBK Straubing
since 2022 member BBK Regensburg

since 1991 trained cook, upscale star gastronomysince
since 1994 food stylist, food photographer and author in the food and cookbook sector
(temporarily under Tanja Bischof, photo studio L’Eveque)

Further training:
Expert advisor for edible wild plants by Dr. Markus Strauss
Medicinal herbs & phytotherapy training by Natura Naturans
Mycotherapy at the GFV Society for Vital Mushroom Science
MushroomCoach, Mushroom expert & MushroomCoach instructor of the DGfM

My portfolio includes food photography for advertising, packaging and stills for renowned brands (see below). I have also been involved in over 100 books, including award-winning titles such as “Dream Cakes” (GAD Silver Medal), “Affinieren – die Kunst der Käseveredelung” (GAD Gold Medal), “Vegetarisch Genießen” (GAD Silver Medal) and “Schätze aus Wald und Wiese” (GAD Silver Medal and German Silver Cookbook Award).

“Tanja Major’s book provides the basis for culinary explorations into nature that can lead to success even for beginners. While similar works often lack practical hints for tracking down natural ingredients, here it is explained in great detail how and where to find plants, seeds, nuts, mushrooms & Co. and how to safely identify them. The recipes do not have a healthy “health food” character, but arouse great desire to collect through the natural photography and the good flavor combinations. Overall, a very good combination of ingredient identification and preparation. Strong in content, unpretentious in presentation.”
Jury verdict by David Seitz on the German Cookbook Prize.

“Discover treasures of nature, which offers delicacies in every season. The experienced author, photographer, mushroom and herb expert invites you to a basic culinary foray through the local forests. It attaches importance to the comprehensible representation of the presented herbs and mushrooms. The recipes gathered for this purpose are inspiring and invite further excursions. A certainly exceptional book. The recipes require ingredients that are certainly not available to everyone and are also difficult to obtain commercially. An intact nature is needed for collecting. Furthermore, the nature-loving collector needs a good basic knowledge of herbs, berries and mushrooms. A great book that provides exceptional recipes for the target audience.”
Jury verdict of the GAD

Published own books ( as author & food photographer)

2022 Schätze aus Wald und Wiese, BLV Verlag (GAD Silbermedaille & Deutscher Kochbuchpreis in Silber)
2016 Dream Cakes, BLV Verlag ( Fotografin und als Coautorin) (GAD Silbermedaille)
2015 Veggie Tapas,  BLV Verlag
2015 Natur Gourmet, BLV Verlag ( Coautorin: Christine Paxmann)
2014 Gewürzküche,  BLV Verlag
2012 Die neue Landküche, Christian Verlag
2010 Köstlich kochen mit Tee, Systemed Verlag ( Coautor: Harry Bischof)

Food photography references links:

ALDI – Themen-Kochhefte – Alpenhain – Backcamenbert & Feta – Mozzarella-Sticks – Obazda & Radikas –Brimi-Südtirol BSH – Bosch/Siemens/Gaggenau/Neff/Home ConnectBurda – LISA (koba) & Freizeit Revue –BLV Buchverlag- Kochbücher –Confiserie Burg Lauenstein – Pralinen –Christian Verlag – Kochbücher- Rita Falk (Schriftstellerin)DK-Verlag – Kochbücher –Ali GüngörmüşDr. Oetker – Markenteam –DLV-Verlag -Zeitschrift Kraut & Rüben-E.V.A. -Hochland- Simply VF&H Werbeagentur – Gefako Getränke/Dachser –Fissler – Töpfestills –Frischpack – Käseverpackungen –Galbani – Käse PR & Verpackung –Gräfe & Unzer – Kochen & Gesundheit – Bücher –Hädecke Verlag – Kochbücher –Ketchum PR – Meggle/Calif.Mandeln/Kikkoman/CMAKOOB – Schweizer Käse –Master Media – Aurora Mehl –Modem Conclusa (PR) –morepublic – KerryGold Butter –Obst- und Gartenbauverlag MünchenRaabengrün -PROVAMEL/Tino Schmidt –Rapunzel – Bio Gourmet –Restaurant Haeberlin –Schlemmermeyer – Feinkost –Serviceplan – Bernbacher-Intermarché – Krumbach Mineralwasser –Solutions – Galbani-Käse –Sonnenverlag – Zeitschriften –Sopexa franz. PR – franz. Food –Sternekoch Eckart Witzigmann –Strategieberatung Glenz – Käserei Bayreuth –Systemed Verlag-KochbücherTeutoburger Ölmühle –Ulmer VerlagWächter & Partner – Bayer. Milch & Käseboten –Weinbergmaier – TK-Produkte –Wort & Bild Verlag Konradshöhe –ZS Verlag-Kochbücher