Tanja Major Mykobütten Design

Through my pioneering work as a paper artist, I explore the innovative transformation of mushrooms into paper fibers.

It is about the fragility of nature, the fragility of life.

I am interested in a comprehensive understanding of the cycles of life, in which creation and decay are interwoven. To discover different living beings and natural processes with a holistic view in which man is (only) a part.
My research focuses on natural substances and artistic processes that serve as the basis for the production of the papers. The mycological knowledge and knowledge of nature that I have acquired are the result of the ideas and from there have found their way into the artistic realization.
Working with mushrooms can be seen as a symbiotic cooperation between man and nature.

It is important to understand that what is commonly referred to as a fungus is the reproductive organ (fruiting body) of a larger living organism, the mycelium. The mycelial network consists of fine, mushroom-shaped filaments (hyphae), long strands of cells that can grow in the soil or within dead, nutrient-rich organisms and are often invisible to the naked eye.

NATURE is our life

In a time of alienation, both from our fellow human beings and from nature, the Anthropocene is having a lasting impact on climate, ecosystems and society due to factors such as human activities and selfish behavior. We are facing major challenges such as the extinction of entire species, the loss of biodiversity and the depletion of natural resources. In this complex situation, we realize that the future does not lie in erecting barriers, but in coming together, in understanding our relationship with nature and its diverse actors, in deciphering its interconnected functioning and in restoring our sense of belonging to the whole.
We can discover fascinating creatures such as fungi in nature, which may point the way to new paths in the future. They can provide fertile soil, have healing powers, serve as food and restore what has been destroyed.

My life has been shaped by photography.
The ability to perceive visually made it possible to grasp the world with many available senses. Photography means seeing and depicting, it sharpens the eye and can open up access to nature

My life has been shaped by photography. Since 1997 I have been Tanja Major, a freelance food writer and photographer under the name of


I acquired my culinary expertise in star gastronomy. With my early passion for photography, and perhaps a seventh sense for optimal lighting, I arrange compositions with natural products. My editorial work appears in numerous cookbooks ( including seven of my own books), besides for magazines such as “Kraut & Rüben”, “Essbare Wildpflanzen” or food producers. The portfolio also includes some award-winning illustrated books such as  “Schätze aus Wald und Wiese” BLV Verlag (GAD Silbermedaille), “Dream Cakes” BLV Verlag (GAD silver medal), “Affinieren – die Kunst der Käse Veredelung” Ulmer Verlag ( GAD gold medal), “Vegetarisch Geniessen” GU Verlag (GAD silver medal) which won awards.

This is how I became interested in mycology – the world of mushrooms.
I have been studying mushrooms more intensively for several years now. The MYKO-logical groups I travel with map and identify mushrooms on a voluntary basis for the protection of nature and nature reserves.
With its almost infinite variety, the world of mushrooms is a source of inspiration for me in many different directions. This has led to many further mycological training courses (specialist consultant modules, PSV & PilzCoach of the DGfM) and new insights. This gave me great pleasure in perceiving their beauty.

Whether with the photographic eye, mushroom – cyanotype, handmade myco handmade paper, collages, dyeing wool and silk with dyes extracted from mushrooms, and not forgetting the art of cooking. This is how my website www.myko-kitchen.de and www.phyto-kitchen.de came into being.

since 2021 IAPMA Member
since 2022 GBK Straubing Member
since 2022 BBK Regensburg Member

From the bottom of my heart I would like to thank C.Carmine ( programming ) Retina Munich.
Wood Frame construction Atelier Kerscher.