Paper Future Lab

Paper is a material with many facets and an enormous power to move and change social structures. But what is the current state of this material and its contemporary potential with regard to our future challenges? What innovations are hidden in and around it?

Paper Future Lab by Haus des Papiers starts Berlin-wide from May – end of September 2024 with contemporary paper artworks by various artists presented in local pop-up showcases, including my handmade papers such as #Mykobütten. Papers made from mushrooms show new possibilities of paper production, they consist of almost 100% mushrooms and are therefore a “compostable or sustainable art” that can be returned to nature or the forest.

But also various other handmade papers made by me from natural materials will be shown, made from #hemp, #viburnum, #yarrow, #cattail and many more.

Together we inspire sustainable change!

Vernissage on May 3rd, 6 pm

“das Schloss” Einkaufszentrum
Schloßstraße 34
12163 Berlin
Mo.-Fr. 10:00-20:00 Uhr

Many thanks to Annika Lorenz and the HdP Haus des Papiers for the great idea and realization, more under:

HdP Haus des Papiers
Seydelstraße 30/ Ecke Elisabeth-Mara-Str.
10117 Berlin
Tel: +49 30 509 476 48